TriServ Business Solutions
Round Table – Business owners advisory board $887 per month
The peer advisory board is a unique board model that is far superior from both a value and time perspective than traditional and conventional models.
The key features of this model are:
Four-six like-minded business owners form each advisory board
Each act as an advisory board member for the other
Each board is chaired by an experienced TriServ chairperson
Meet monthly, share issues and challenge performance
Each meeting is for 6 hours with each member’s business reviewed for 1-1½ hours using the formal and structured TriServ methodology.
The board will also ensure that each member business has in place:
TriServ Scoreboard Performance Measurement Tool
Strategic Business Plan
Sales & Marketing Plan
Leadership Development Plan
Employee Engagement & Customer Surveys
Members may also seek to utilize TriServ’s HR, Sales & Marketing consultant’s to specifically assist them with the key areas of employee engagement and business development.
In Addition to the above you will receive a one hour per month “one on one” business coaching and mentoring from a TriServ Consultant.
CFO : Chief Financial Officer support services $687 per month
Each meeting with business owner is for 2 hours face to face and ½ hour support on the phone.
The key features of this model are and provides advice with:
2 meetings per month and 2 x ½ hour phone support
Carry out the usual oversight of a traditional CFO, face to face & on remote basis.
Monitor the financial health and well-being of your business
Provide you with financial guidance on all of your company decisions and issues.
Provide advice with Budgeting and forecasting.
Pinpointing problem spending.
Validating or discouraging business decisions based on financial considerations.
OPS: Operations Support $587 per month
Each meeting with business owner is for 2 hours face to face and ½ hour support on the phone.
The key features of this model are and provides advice with:
2 meetings per month and 2 x ½ phone support
Operations Management
Business Development (New customer on boarding and demand planning)
Quality Assurance & Compliance
Inventory Management
HR Recruitment, People & Performance
Client Account Management (Forward orders & returns)
Tender Management
Policies, Procedures and Work Instructions